Selected publications
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2020 to present (being updated…)
- Kaiser, Elsi & Benét Post, Claire. (to appear). Names and Pronouns with and without Gender Features: A Production Study of Singular They. To appear in Proceedings of WCCFL 41, UCSC. [link to PDF]
- Kaiser, Elsi. (2025). On approximative degree morphology in Finnish: A comparison of two suffixes. Proceedings of SALT 34. [link to PDF]
- Kaiser, Elsi. (2024). On the relation between expressive meaning and information structure: Exploring focus-marking with emoji. Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 28. [link to PDF]
- Kaiser, Elsi. (2024). Evidentials and dubitatives in Finnish: Perspective shift in questions and embedded contexts. Folia Linguistica. [link to PDF]
- Kaiser, Elsi & Hsu, Haley. (2024) Generality, genericity and subjective predicates: What propositional attitude verbs, alien viruses, and COVID can tell us. Proceedings of Semantics and Linguistic Theory (SALT) 33.
- Lee, Sarah Hye-yeon & Kaiser, Elsi. (2024). (Not) Shifting Together: An Experimental Investigation of Korean Anaphors and Subjective Predicates. Proceedings of WCCFL 39. [link to PDF]
- Song, Jina & Kaiser, Elsi (2023). Effects of referential structure on pronoun interpretation. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, 39(1), 98-117. [link to PDF]
- Grosz, Patrick, Kaiser, Elsi & Pierini, Francisco (2023). Discourse anaphoricity vs. perspective sensitivity in emoji semantics. Glossa: a journal of general linguistics, 8(1)
- Lyu, Jun & Kaiser, Elsi. (2003). Multiple constraints modulate the processing of Chinese reflexives in discourse. Glossa Psycholinguistics.
- Grosz, Patrick, Greenberg, Gabriel, De Leon, Christian & Kaiser, Elsi. (2023): A semantics of face emoji in discourse. Linguistics and Philosophy.
- Kaiser, Elsi. (2022). Evidentiality in Finnish: On the communicative functions of the reportative evidential ‘kuulemma’ and the dubitative marker ‘muka.’ Journal of Uralic Linguistics 1(1), 67-121. [link to PDF] (additional link to open-access PDF at bottom of this page)
- Kaiser, Elsi. (2022). Referential effects on verb agreement: Finnish numeral-noun constructions. Proceedings of Semantics and Linguistic Theory (SALT) 32: 420-442.
- Kaiser, Elsi. (2022). Do perspective-sensitive anaphors and subjective adjectives show evidence of shifting together? An experimental investigation. Glossa 7(1),
- Stojanovic, Isidora & Kaiser, Elsi. (2022). Exploring Valence in Judgments of Taste. In Jeremy Wyatt, Julia Zakkou & Dan Zeman (eds.), Exploring Valence in Judgments of Taste (pp.231-259). Routledge.
- Wang, Felix Hao & Kaiser, Elsi. (2022). Linguistic Priming and Learning Adjacent and Non-Adjacent Dependencies in Serial Reaction Time Tasks. Language Learning 72(3), 695-727.
- Do, Monica & Kaiser, Elsi. (2022). Sentence Formulation is Easier when Thematic and Syntactic Prominence Align: Evidence from Psych Verbs. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 37(5), 648-670.
- Lyu, Jun & Kaiser, Elsi. (2021). Unpacking the blocking effect: Syntactic prominence and perspective-taking in antecedent retrieval in Mandarin Chinese. Glossa. 6(1): 136.
- Kaiser, Elsi. (2021). Consequences of sensory modality for perspective-taking: Comparing visual, olfactory and gustatory perception. Frontiers in Psychology 12:701486.
- Kaiser, Elsi & Deniz Rudin. (2021). Arguing with experts: Subjective disagreements on matters of taste. In Proceedings of CogSci 2021. [direct link to downloadable paper]
- Lee, Sarah Hye-yeon & Kaiser, Elsi (2021). Does hitting the window break it? Investigating effects of discourse-level and verb-level information in guiding object state representations. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience. [direct link to PDF]
link to paper - Wittenberg, Eva, Momma, Shota & Kaiser, Elsi (2021). Complexity matters only when it matters: Demonstratives as bundlers of conceptual structure. Glossa: A Journal of General Linguistics, 6(1), 33. [direct link to downloadable PDF]
- Ouyang, Iris & Kaiser, Elsi (2021). Tracking who knows what: Epistemic gaps and the prosodic realization of corrective focus. Linguistics 59 (2) [direct link to PDF]
link to paper - Grosz, Patrick, Kaiser, Elsi & Pierini, Francesco (to appear). Discourse anaphoricity and first-person indexicality in emoji resolution. To appear in Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 25. [direct link to PDF]
- Kaiser, Elsi & Grosz, Patrick. (2021). Anaphoricity in emoji: An experimental investigation of face and non-face emoji. Proceedings of the Linguistic Society of American Annual Meeting 6(1), 1009-1023 [direct link to PDF]
link to paper - Kaiser, Elsi & Wang, Catherine (2021). Packaging Information as Fact Versus Opinion: Consequences of the (Information-)Structural Position of Subjective Adjectives. Discourse Processes [direct link to PDF]
link to paper
- Kaiser, Elsi. (2020) Shifty behavior: Investigating predicates of personal taste and perspectival anaphors. Proceedings of SALT 30: 821-842, 2020 [direct link to PDF]
- Song, Jina & Kaiser, Elsi. (2020). Forward-looking Effects in Subject Pronoun Interpretation: What Comes Next Matters. Proceedings of CogSci 2020. [direct link to PDF]
- Kaiser, Elsi & Rudin, Deniz. (2020). When faultless disagreement is not so faultless: What widely-held opinions can tell us about subjective adjectives. Proc Ling Soc Amer 5(1): 698–707. [direct link to PDF]
- Kaiser, Elsi. (2019). Linguistic consequences of event segmentation in visual narratives: Implications for prominence. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 35(3), 402-408. [direct link to PDF]
Link to paper - Lee, Yoojeong, Kaiser, Elsi & Goldstein, Louis. (2019). I scream for ice cream: Resolving lexical ambiguity with sub-phonemic information. Language and Speech.
Link to paper - Do, Monica. & Kaiser, Elsi. (2019) Subjecthood and Linear Order in Linguistic Encoding: Evidence from the real-time production of wh-questions in English and Mandarin Chinese. Journal of Memory and Language 105, 60-75 [direct link to PDF]
Link to paper
- Kaiser, Elsi. (2018). (Lack of) Person agreement in Finnish: Imposters, possessives and bound variables. Finno-Ugric Languages and Linguistics, 7(1): 2-28.
Link to paper - Kaiser, Elsi, Nichols, Justin & Wang, Catherine. (2018). Experimenting with imposters: What modulates choice of person agreement in pronouns? To appear in the Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 2017. [direct link to PDF]
- Kaiser, Elsi. (2018). Effects of perspective-taking on pronominal reference to humans and animals: Logophoricity in Finnish. Open Linguistics, thematic issue on Animacy, vol 4 (issue 1), 630-656.
Link to paper - Kaiser, Elsi. (to appear) Effects of sensory modality on the interpretation of subjective adjectives: Comparing sight, smell and taste. To appear in the Proceedings of the Berkeley Linguistic Society. [direct link to PDF]
- Kaiser, Elsi. (2018). Pronoun use in Finnish reported speech and free indirect discourse: Effects of logophoricity. In Pritty Patel-Grosz, Patrick Grosz and Sarah Zobel (eds), Pronouns in Embedded Contexts, 75-104. Springer Studies in Linguistics and Philosophy. [direct link to PDF]
Link to book - Kaiser, Elsi. (2018). Order of Mention in Causal Sequences: Talking about Cause and Effect in Narratives and Warning Signs. Discourse Processes. [direct link to PDF]
Link to paper - Wu, Fuyun, Kaiser, Elsi & Vasishth, Shravan. (2018). Effects of early cues on the processing of Chinese relative clauses: Evidence for experience-based theories. doi:10.1111/cogs.12551 Cognitive Science 42:1101-1133. [direct link to PDF]
Link to paper
- Do, Monica L. & Kaiser, Elsi (2017). The Relationship between Syntactic Satiation and Syntactic Priming: A First Look. Front. Psychol. 8:1851. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.01851
Link to paper - Kaiser, Elsi & Herron Lee, Jamie. (2017). Experience matters: A psycholinguistic investigation of predicates of personal taste. Proceedings of Semantics and Linguistic Theory (SALT), 323-339.
Link to paper - Kaiser, Elsi & Herron Lee, Jamie. (2017). Predicates of Personal Taste and Multidimensional Adjectives: An Experimental Investigation. Proceedings of the 35th West Coast Conference On Formal Linguistics (WCCFL 35), 224-231.
Link to paper - Miljan, M., Kaiser, E., & Vihman, V.-A. (2017). Interplay between Case, Animacy and Number: Interpretations of Grammatical Role in Estonian. Finno-Ugric Languages and Linguistics, 6(1), 55-77.
Link to paper - Byram Washburn, M., Kaiser., E & Zubizarreta, M.-L. (To appear). The English It-Cleft: No Need to Get Exhausted. To appear in Klaus von Heusinger, Edgar Onea and Malte Zimmermann (eds), Questions in Discourse (Current Research in the Semantics / Pragmatics Interface, Brill)
- Kaiser, E. (2017). On the role of discourse-level information in second-language sentence processing. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition (invited commentary on Keynote article). [direct link to PDF]
- He, Xiao & Kaiser. Elsi. (2016). Processing the Chinese reflexive ziji: Effects of featural constraints on anaphor resolution. Frontiers in Psychology. (Open Access) Front. Psychol. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.00284
Link to paper - Kaiser, E. & Cherqaoui, B. (2016) Effects of coherence on anaphor resolution, and vice versa: Evidence from French personal pronouns and anaphoric demonstratives. In Holler, A. (Ed.) & Suckow, K. (eds), Empirical Perspectives on Anaphora Resolution, pp.51-78. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Mouton. [direct link to PDF]
- Kaiser, Elsi. (2016). Discourse-level Processing. In P. Knoeferle, P. Pyykkönen-Klauck & M. W. Crocker (eds.), Visually Situated Language Comprehension (pp.151-184). John Benjamins. [direct link to PDF]
- Kaiser, Elsi. (2015). Perspective-shifting and free indirect discourse: Experimental investigations. In Sarah D’Antonio, Mary Moroney, and Carol Rose Little (eds), Proceedings of Semantics and Linguistic Theory 25 (SALT 25), pp. 346-372
Link to paper - Hwang, Heeju & Kaiser, Elsi. (2015). Accessibility effects on production vary cross-linguistically: Evidence from English and Korean. Journal of Memory and Language, 84, 190-204. [direct link to PDF]
Link to paper - Kaiser, Elsi. (2015). Impersonal and generic reference: A cross-linguistic look at Finnish and English narratives. Journal of Estonian and Finno-Ugric Linguistics (Special issue on referential devices in Uralic languages), 6-2: 9-42.
Link to paper - Ouyang, Iris C. and Kaiser, Elsi. (2015). Prosody and information structure in a tone language: An investigation of Mandarin Chinese. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, 30(1-2): 57-72. [direct link to PDF]
Link to paper - Ouyang, Iris C. and Kaiser, Elsi. (2015). Individual differences in the prosodic encoding of informativity. In S. Fuchs, D. Pape, C. Petrone, and P. Perrier (Eds.), Individual Differences in Speech Production and Perception. Peter Lang International Academic Publishers. [direct link to PDF]
- Hwang, Heeju & Kaiser, Elsi. (2014). The role of the verb in grammatical function assignment in English and Korean. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, & Cognition, 40(5):1363-1376 [direct link to PDF]
Link to paper - Hwang, Heeju & Kaiser, Elsi. (2014) Having a syntactic choice is not always better: The effects of syntactic flexibility on Korean production. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience (formerly Language and Cognitive Processes). doi 10.1080/23273798.2013.875212 [direct link to PDF]
Link to paper - Fedele, Emily & Kaiser, Elsi. (2014). Looking back and looking forward: Anaphora and cataphora in Italian. Proceedings of the 37th Annual Penn Linguistics Conference, University of Pennsylvania Working Papers in Linguistics, vol 20, issue 1.
Link to paper
- Kaiser, Elsi (2013). Looking beyond personal pronouns and beyond English: Typological and computational complexity in reference resolution. Theoretical Linguistics 39(1.2): 109.-122. doi 10.1515/tl-2013-0007 [direct link to PDF]
Link to paper - Arnold, J.E., Kaiser, E., Kahn, J., Kim, L. (2013). Information structure; Linguistic, cognitive, and processing approaches. WIREs Cognitive Science, Wiley. doi: 10.1002/wcs.1234
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- Holsinger, Edward & Kaiser, Elsi. (2012). Processing (non)compositional expressions: Mistakes and recovery. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory & Cognition. doi: 10.1037/a0030410 [direct link to PDF]
Link to paper - Kaiser, Elsi (2012) Taking action: a cross-modal investigation of discourse-level representations. Frontiers in Psychology 3:156.
Link to paper and [direct link to PDF] - Wu, Fuyun, Kaiser, Elsi & Andersen, Elaine. (2012). Animacy Effects in Chinese Relative Clause Processing. Language and Cognitive Processes. [direct link to PDF]
- Kaiser, Elsi (2011). Focusing on pronouns: Consequences of subjecthood, pronominalisation, and contrastive focus, Language and Cognitive Processes, 26, 1625-1666. [direct link to PDF]
Link to paper - Kaiser, Elsi. (2011). Salience and contrast effects in reference resolution: The interpretation of Dutch pronouns and demonstratives, Language and Cognitive Processes, 26, 1587-1624. [direct link to PDF]
Link to paper - Kaiser, Elsi, Li, David, Holsinger, Edward. (2011). Exploring the lexical and acoustic consequences of referential predictability. In I. Hendrickx, A. Branco, S. Lalitha Devi, & R. Mitkov. (Eds.) Anaphora Processing and Applications, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 7099. Heidelberg: Springer, 171-183. (DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-25917-3_15) [direct link to PDF]
Link to paper - Kaiser, Elsi & John C. Trueswell (2011). Investigating the interpretation of pronouns and demonstratives in Finnish: Going beyond salience. In E. Gibson & N. Pearlmutter (eds), The processing and acquisition of reference. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.
- Kaiser, Elsi. (2011). On the relation between coherence relations and anaphoric demonstratives in German. In Reich, Ingo et al. (eds.), Proceedings of Sinn & Bedeutung 15, pp. 337-351. Saarland University Press: Saarbrücken, Germany. [direct link to PDF]
- Kaiser, Elsi (2010). Investigating the Consequences of Focus on the Production and Comprehension of Referring Expressions. International Review of Pragmatics, 2(2), 266-297. [direct link to PDF]
Link to paper - Kaiser, Elsi (2010). Effects of contrast on referential form: Investigating the distinction between strong and weak pronouns. Discourse Processes, 47, 480-509. [direct link to PDF]
Link to paper - Holsinger, Edward, David Cheng-Huan Li, Elsi Kaiser & Dani Byrd. (2010). Visual Grouping and Prosodic Grouping: Effects of Spatial Information on Prosodic Boundary Strength. Proceedings of Speech Prosody, 5th International Conference, Chicago, Il. [direct link to PDF]
Link to PDF - Tavano, Erin & Elsi Kaiser. (2010) Processing scalar implicature: What can individual differences tell us? Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Penn Linguistics Colloquium, University of Pennsylvania Working Papers in Linguistics, 16(1): Article 24. [direct link to PDF]
- Kaiser, Elsi, Jeffrey T. Runner, Rachel S. Sussman & Michael K. Tanenhaus. (2009). Structural and semantic constraints on the resolution of pronouns and reflexives. Cognition, 112, 55-80.
Link to paper
PDF from NIH Public Access - Kaiser, Elsi (2009). Effects of Anaphoric Dependencies and Semantic Representations on Pronoun Interpretation. In S.L. Devi, A. Branco and R. Mitkov (eds). Anaphora Processing and Applications (Selected papers from the 7th Discourse Anaphora and Anaphor Resolution Colloquium), pp.121-130. Heidelberg: Springer [direct link to PDF]
Link to paper - Kaiser, Elsi. (2009). Investigating effects of structural and information-structural factors on pronoun resolution. In Malte Zimmermann and Caroline Féry (eds.), Information Structure from Different Perspectives. Oxford University Press, 332-353. [direct link to PDF]
- Kim, Lucy Kyoungsook & Elsi Kaiser. (2009) Effects of Honorific Agreement on Null Subject Interpretation in Korean. In Proceedings of 2009 Seoul International Conference on Linguistic Interfaces, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea. [direct link to PDF]
- He, Xiao & Elsi Kaiser. (2009). Consequences of Variable Accessibility for Anaphor Resolution in Chinese. In S.L. Devi, A. Branco and R. Mitkov (eds). Proceedings of the 7th Discourse Anaphora and Anaphor Resolution Colloquium (DAARC 2009), pp.48-55. AU-KBK Research Centre, Anna University. [direct link to PDF]
- Li, David Cheng-Huan & Elsi Kaiser. (2009). Overcoming Structural Preference: Effects of Context on the Interpretation of the Chinese Reflexive Ziji. In S.L. Devi, A. Branco and R. Mitkov (eds). Proceedings of the 7th Discourse Anaphora and Anaphor Resolution Colloquium (DAARC 2009), pp.64-72. AU-KBK Research Centre, Anna University. [direct link to PDF]
- Kaiser, Elsi and John C. Trueswell. (2008) Interpreting pronouns and demonstratives in Finnish: Evidence for a form-specific approach to reference resolution. Language and Cognitive Processes, 23(5), 709-748. [direct link to PDF] Link to paper
- Kaiser, Elsi (2006). Negation and the left periphery in Finnish. Lingua 116(3):314-350. [direct link to PDF]
Link to paper - Kaiser, Elsi & Virve-Anneli Vihman (2006). Invisible Arguments: Effects of Demotion in Estonian and Finnish. In T. Solstad & B. Lyngfelt (eds), Demoting the agent: passive and other voice-related phenomena. John Benjamins. [direct link to PDF]
- Kaiser, Elsi (2006). Noncanonical negation and information structure in Finnish. In Valeria Molnár. and Susanne Winkler (eds.) The Architecture of Focus. Studies in Generative Grammar 82, 265-290. (Series Editors: Harry van der Hulst, Henk van Riemsdijk and Jan Koster). Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
- Kaiser, Elsi and John C. Trueswell (2004) The role of discourse context in the processing of a flexible word-order language. Cognition 94(2), 113-147.
Link to paper - Kaiser, Elsi & John Trueswell (2004). The referential properties of Dutch pronouns and demonstratives: Is salience enough? Cécile Meier, Matthias Weisgerber (ed.), Proceedings of the Conference sub8 Sinn und Bedeutung, 137-149. Arbeitspapier Nr. 177, FB Sprachwissenschaft. Konstanz, Germany: Universität Konstanz.
Link to paper - Kaiser, Elsi & Katrin Hiietam (2004). A Typological Comparison of Third Person Pronouns in Finnish and Estonian. In A. Dahl, K. Bentzen & P. Svenonius (ed.), Nordlyd 31(4), Proceedings of the Workshop on Generative Approaches to Finnic Languages, 654-667.
- Kaiser, Elsi (2004). A Question of Case. In A. Dahl, K. Bentzen & P. Svenonius (ed.), Nordlyd 31(4), Proceedings of the Workshop on Generative Approaches to Finnic Languages, 694-707.
Link to paper
- Kaiser, Elsi (2003). Referent Tracking and Pronoun Resolution in Finnish. WEB-SLS: The European Student Journal of Language and Speech. [direct link to PDF]
- Kaiser, Elsi (2003). Encoding (Non)Locality in anaphoric relations. In Nelson, D. & Manninen, S. (eds.) Generative Approaches to Finnic and Saami Linguistics, 269-293. Stanford: CSLI Publications. [direct link to PDF]
- Kaiser, Elsi (2002) Case Alternations and NPIs in Questions in Finnish. WCCFL 21: Proceedings of the 21st West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics, 194-207. Somerville, Mass.: Cascadilla Press. [direct link to PDF]
- Kaiser, Elsi (2002) The syntax-pragmatics interface and Finnish ditransitive verbs. In M. van Koppen, E. Thrift, E. J. van der Torre and M. Zimmermann (eds.), Proceedings of the 9th Annual Conference of the Student Organization of Linguistics in Europe (ConSOLE IX). [direct link to PDF]
- Kaiser, Elsi (2000) Pronouns and demonstratives in Finnish: Indicators of Referent Salience. In P. Baker, A. Hardie, T. McEnery and A. Siewierska (eds.), Proceedings of the Discourse Anaphora and Anaphor Resolution Conference. Lancaster, UK: University Center for Computer Corpus Research on Language, Technical Papers vol.12, 20-27. [direct link to PDF]
- Kaiser, Elsi (2000) The discourse functions and syntax of OSV word order in Finnish. In A. Okrent, and J. Boyle (eds.), The Proceedings from the Main Session of the Chicago Linguistic Society’s Thirty-sixth Meeting, vol. 36.1, 179-194. Chicago, Ill.: Chicago Linguistic Society. [direct link to PDF]
- Kaiser, Elsi (2000) A first look at the syntactic structure of Finnish ditransitive verbs. In J. Haugen & T. Louthain (eds), Proceedings of the Twelfth Student Conference in Linguistics. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Working Papers in Linguistics, vol. 38, 111-126. [direct link to PDF]